by Karen Gillespie | Sep 13, 2018 | Living, Meaning, Nature and Environment, Wellbeing, Wellbeing Strategy
Are you: Having trouble switching off? Feeling uptight and on edge? Finding it hard to go to sleep? Experiencing restless sleep? Don’t panic! We’ve got the perfect answer to help you wind down – Spotify your life! Stress comes in all shapes and sizes these days. But...
by Karen Gillespie | Aug 16, 2018 | Physical Wellbeing
What's your hump? What’s your hump? Have you ever heard “It’s genetic” or “It runs in the family” when discussing a physical, mental or personality characteristic that you have (or one that might be coming your way)?You know the sort of thing…“Everyone...
by Karen Gillespie | Aug 10, 2018 | Authentic Relationships, Meaning, Measuring Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing, Wellbeing
My interest was piqued this week by a radio segment about the prevalence of touch deprivation and research about how it increases aggressive behaviour among adolescents. Leading researcher, Tiffany Field, from The University of Miami’s Touch Research Institute was...
by Karen Gillespie | Jul 29, 2018 | Authentic Relationships
Are your work relationships working? If you were to conduct a straw poll about what causes the most stress at work, odds are most of your colleagues would point to gripes with their boss, staff, colleagues, clients, or other senior stakeholders. Relationships have a...
by Karen Gillespie | Jul 19, 2018 | Physical Wellbeing
Make friends with your telomeres Make friends with your telomeres If you’re like me, you prefer a bit of science behind the recommendations on diet, exercise and other wellness activities that abound in the popular press. Certainly, if you’re going to try one (or a...